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Paris Air Show


Sweden sees no ‘immediate need’ to join future fighter program

“In terms of sixth generation [plans], we’re doing a lot of work in different contexts and different cooperations right now, which is very important for us in trying to figure out [a decision],” said commander of the Swedish Air Force Maj. Gen. Jonas Wikman. “Right now its not a procurement program, it is a fact finding program.”

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Air Warfare

DRS: Why Air Force Should Buy T-100 For T-X Trainer

PARIS AIR SHOW: With the competition for the US Air Force’s T-X trainer system increasingly seen as a battle between Lockheed Martin and Boeing, it’s easy to overlook perhaps the most intriguing entry: DRS, the US subsidiary of European aerospace giant, Leonardo. Almost everyone who looks at the fairly raucous battle — Northrop was in, […]

Air Warfare

Chinese J-31 Appears At Paris Show, Sort Of

PARIS AIR SHOW: Of the two predominant conventional threats to the United States — Russia and China — the Peoples Republic of China is the lesser known and has offered much the smaller profile at the international air shows. Partly, that’s because much of China’s military hardware has, until very recently, been largely Russia-derived. So, […]

Air Warfare

Uneasy Times In Europe As Continent Mulls Next Fighter

If the re-emergence of an assertive and occasionally belligerent Moscow was an unattractive possibility for Europeans of a cautious nature, an American president whose election campaign comments inadvertently or otherwise questioned his commitment to Article 5, the very heart of NATO, seemed unimaginable. Today, Europe is faced with both a Russia that is a strategic rival […]

Air Warfare

US Military Advantage Eroding Coz Of BCA: CJCS Dunford

Breaking Defense contributor James Kitfield spoke with Gen. Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during Dunford’s swing through Japan, Singapore, Australia, Wake Island, and Hawaii. Dunford testifies before Congress this week on the administration’s defense budget request. Most important, the chairman tells us he will make the case that the Budget Control Act’s caps “have to be […]